BHR and Improvingworklife mobilize in Madrid the knowledge in supply chain
The Escuela de Organización Industria (EOI) hosted on November 10, the workshop "Inspirando el cambio: Movilizando el conocimiento en cadenas de suministro" organized by BHR and Improvingworklife. The event sought to raise awareness of the importance of evolving towards more responsible practices, in order to avoid the risks on human and labor rights that materialize in supply chains.
Supply chains at the global level are extremely diverse. They are deployed in different countries, with different legislations and cultures. The companies that are part of it also have different sizes and business practices. All these differences mean that there are potentially diverse risks that, when they materialize, endanger the respect of the human rights of the people who work in them.
In order to reduce these risks it is necessary that all the actors, which directly or indirectly are part of the chain or related to it, commit themselves to evolve towards more responsible practices through a perspective of change.
The capacity for change comes only from the hand of knowledge and is strengthened through strategies of collaboration between the actors involved. While all actors have training needs, they also have the potential to inspire change in the rest of organizations and individuals involved.
Therefore, the workshop, sought to know firsthand the training needs that the actors involved in the supply chain have, in order to inspire and generate more sustainable chains, and explore the possibility of creating strategic alliances to meet those needs among the different actors. As Maria Prandi pointed out "no money is lost respecting human rights".